Course is self paced and once signed in it can be completed within 30 days

Online Manual Handling Theory
FPST Accredited Manual Handling Training Course – 1.5 hours
Courses Provided
All training provided complies with the employer’s statutory obligations under the relevant Health and Safety Legislation. Many of the courses are delivered by power point presentations with a huge emphasis on practical aspects where applicable. All fire training courses include a live fire demonstration using a gas simulation fire which is safe to use for course participants. Price quoted for all courses is inclusive of extinguishers, course materials and of course, certification.
First Point Safety Training is fully insured and references are available upon request.
First Aid
Training Classes
Throughout Ireland we deliver on-site training in first aid training. We offer a variety of courses including First Aid Response, Heartsaver CPR / AED, Childcare and Cardiac First Responder.
Fire Safety
Training Classes
The following courses can be designed to match your industry’s requirements. Each course involves the use of a live fire demonstration and each participant will receive a certificate on successful….
Nursing Home
Training Classes
The Healthcare Provider Course is for medical, para-medical and allied healthcare professionals.The skills taught include adult CPR including two rescuer scenarios…
Manual Handling
Training Classes
Avoid the need for manual handling Eliminate
Carry out risk assessments for…
First Point Safety Training
First Aid Training, Fire Safety, Nursing Home, Manual Handling
Throughout Ireland we deliver on-site training in first aid training, fire safety and manual/patient handling. At First Point Safety Training we are aware that certain types of business require site specific training and will tailor our courses to suit the needs of our clients. Due to the fact that our instructor is qualified in many different aspects of Health and Safety training,
At First Point our main goal is to deliver comprehensive, up to date and cost effective training. Our Instructor is fully qualified and is a recognised First Aid Responder Instructor.
Equality, Access, Transfer and Progression
Course placements are provided on a first come basis. If a course is full, additional courses may be scheduled if there is adequate demand. First Point Safety Training will at all times ensure equality in our service. We therefore ask that if you have any specific learning requirements that you inform us of this at the time of your booking and we will ensure that all possible measures are taken to meet your requirements. All courses are conducted in English and a good understanding of the English language is necessary. In the case where this is not so, participants are permitted to bring an interpreter but prior notice must be given to First Point Safety Training.